“Dimension” CJSC acts as the underwriter of "Fast Bank" CJSC’s USD denominated 6.20% 30-months fixed-rate bonds.

“Dimension” CJSC acts as the underwriter of

Dimension Investments is the underwriter of 'Fast Bank' CJSC’s USD denominated fixed-rate coupon bonds. The placement takes place between September 27 and December 27, 2023.


The total volume of the placement is USD 4,000,000. The annual coupon rate of the USD bonds is 6.20% with 30 months maturity period. Coupons will be paid on a quarterly basis. The nominal value of one bond is USD 100.


It should also be noted that Dimension Investments fully completed the placement of the 1st tranche of "Fast Bank" CJSC’s USD bonds ahead of time.


Bonds are one of the most important and accessible financial instruments in RA. An investor in a coupon bond receives a regular flow of coupon payments until the bonds mature and the nominal value of the bonds at maturity.


"Fast Bank" CJSC’s bonds will be listed on the Bbond platform of the Armenia Securities Exchange. The quotation of the bonds will be carried out by market maker.


To learn more about the program prospectus, you can visit the following link.


For more information about bonds and how to purchase them, please contact Dimension Investments at the following number: 010 54 56 70 or contact 31 branches of Fast Bank.


This material is considered an advertisement.
Dimension CJSC and Fast Bank are supervised by the CBA.



27 Сентября 2023, Среда

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